Imports & exports

Imports & Exports

Faraday Character PNGs

To import/export a Faraday Character, navigate to the Character's page and click on the chat options dropdown at the top of your screen:

Faraday Import

Tavern Character PNGs

Faraday supports Tavern-style PNG character card imports (both v1 and v2 formats).

Just import the .png file directly into Faraday from the "Create Character" page:

Tavern Import

Character AI Chats

Follow these steps:

  • Install the CAI Tools Chrome extension (opens in a new tab).
  • Navigate to the desired chat on character.ai.
  • Activate the CAI Tools extension.
  • Click "Download as Oobabooga chat" (refer to 1st screenshot).
  • In Faraday, either create or import the relevant Character.
  • On the Chat page in Faraday, click "Import Chat from c.ai" at the top (refer to 2nd screenshot).
